Wednesday, May 11, 2011

When is she the one?

So, to the very small populous that reads my blog. I have not been writing due to a variety of things going on here in our house. Nothing super major, mainly illness type stuff. While things were in crazy we decided to just give the search for a sisterwife a break. It wasn't like there was anything major going on in the search anyways.....I look at it as GOD knew it was not the right time, as he knew that some medical challenges were ahead of us. So, we got through all this craziness and everything is getting back to normal for the most part. It is so nice to just be us again......I thank GOD for allowing us to be us again. I also thank HIM for the small wake up call without any major setbacks in our is good to be reminded we are human and we can be called back home at any minute or second......okay enough of the depressing stuff as we have survived all that junk......Oh, also forgot and I apologize to you Melissa!! During this time we have been away my loving and adorable wife lost a childhood best friend to breast cancer. Melissa died Apr 2011 after a very courageous fight with her cancer. I am very proud to call her a friend and we are glad that she no longer suffers and is at peace with our Lord and Savior...RIP Melissa.......We love you!!

Okay back on topic.....When is she the one? I ask this to myself over and over again. What makes a potential sisterwife that one special person, a real fit to our family and the true soulmate that my wife and I are looking for? We have talked with a few women over the past couple of years. I am not trying to sound like we are busy bodies. I am talking about maybe a handful and I am just talking about communicating through instant messenging and texting. We have yet to find that one person that we actually had starting the talking on the phone phase....and surely have not had any visits to date.
But what makes her, "HER". I guess from what I am finding is WE as is the 2 of us and "HER" would see the world through the same eyes. We have the same dreams and wants out of life. When I see her face in her picture and talk with her I feel like a teenager all over again...I feel all nervous and yet very excited till our next conversation. What makes her the one? She makes my wife feel the exact same way!! For those who have not found a true soulmate it is kind of hard to explain this feeling. My wife and I are true soulmates and we know it because there is this special feeling. Your life revolves around one another...I would almost say it shares similarities to twins. Twins have that certain specialness....and I would say true soulmates share that feeling. I am not saying we a dependent on one another at all. But after going through this latest illness scare WE knew that we were meant for one another and that the lose of one or the other would be truly devastating. Would we survive and move on with life, yes BUT a piece of us would be missing. I know that this kind of search for a soulmate that matches with the 2 of us sounds like a tall order but she is out there. I know it....and I think she is closer than we know.

I know we all have our own version of "THE"one. Some people are if she is a good fit for one part of the equation then eventually she will get along with the other. Plural marriage is not about taking a shot. So many people I think take this as some kind of experiment. I think with all the shows coming out lately there is a crowd growing of WE can do that honey or lets give it a try!! NO PEOPLE, it is not like getting a puppy!!! You have to have a reason for going into a plural marriage. At first I thought people were odd when you hear people saying they received a testimonial. People will say a testimonial is a MORMON thing. Call it what you want, but plain and simple it is GOD tapping you on the shoulder and pointing you in the direction....It is not watching a TV show and saying lets give it a go. How do I say it....there is a deep feeling inside. I have had this message come to me and I even liquid fasted for GOD to truly point me in the direction he has planned for my family and I. As you all know if you have read my prior postings, I did not start this whole plural thing in our family. It was my wife.....So, with that I prayed and prayed. I got my answer and like I said I went the whole ten yards and fasted to get clarity....okay I am dragging on and on. I just wanted to preach a little for those looking or thinking of looking into this to do it for a true reason!!!! Do not join the Polygamy movement to fulfill your fantasies, have a maid with benefits, to have a baby momma or any of the other stupid things I have read....Do it because GOD has tapped your shoulder and told you to make the commitment......

So time to get back on I like to ramble. It is just who I am, I like to talk......So, I think I said it above we have started our search up again. I think we started about 3 or 4 months ago. Man, is it hard to find people interested in Polygamy that are not looking at it for the sex. So many people think of Polygamy as a fancy word for swingers of some sort. There are a couple of clean websites out there that single women are finding and signing up for but not many and most are using it for finding answers.....and that is great. To everyone and anyone get educated about this before moving on. So, like I said we began our search again and it had been hit or miss. We chatted with this one young lady and talking to her was like trying to make peanut butter out of radishes!!! There was just no communication between her and I nor she and M. Asking questions and getting 3 words back just does not work for me. If you are not interested just say so and lets all move on. As you can imagine it did not last long. We have been talking with another gal we met on a website and she is very sweet. There are a couple of hang ups though. She has a lot of emotional baggage she needs to sort out. I am not willing to be a place to run to and hide. We are not a safety net. The other thing is she is still living with her boyfriend while talking about possibly being our potential. We have told her that she needs to be free and clear before there is any movement....this was about 5 weeks ago and nothing!!! We are now talking with a very sweet gal....this one I think could be the is a strange crossing of paths. I almost feel that she is GOD look at it as we see it. This unnamed lady feels that Polygamy is her calling. She decides to start searching the internet about the lifestyle and to see whats out there. She for some reason come across my wife blog. It is not like she has a huge following and is big news on the internet. I think she has maybe 20 or 30 followers. So, this gal reads all her blogs and then follows the link to my blog. She enjoyed what she read and emailed us. Out of the blue we get an email talking about coming across our blogs and liking what she read. We contacted her back and have been emailing for a couple of weeks. Our schedules have made it hard to start instant messenging but we have started now. We have even started texting....We have so much in common already and we are just getting started. We joke about how it seems like we have known one another for ages. She talks about being shy with new people but with us, she is not having the shyness. Like I said WE 3 have tons in common already,which is very important with a potential sisterwife. We are only in the infancy of this relationship and it is just great. As I stated way way above about soulmates...She makes US have those teenage feelings when talking to her and seeing her "G" rates photos. When we are messenging we hate for it to end and when it does end on the computer there are always a few extras texting on the phone afterwards....I can personally say that I do not want it to end. Just like when I am with M and we are talking, I feel the same way with her. Going back to GOD sent....we have both prayed for GOD to send us a sign and the right person. Just the other day I asked GOD for a sign of my own. I can say I have not had any dreams of being Poly, the other night before bed I ask for a sign. I had my first dream. I will not elaborate on it but it was my very first Poly dream and she was in it. I know this relationship is still in the meet at the coffee shop phase but it has a very special feeling deep down inside. I know I am letting a lot of information out about this new person and I know she/you are going to and or are reading this. But I have always been open and honest here and I always say what is on my mind. I think our meeting is through the divine grace of GOD. She lives way over where she does and we live way over here where we do. There was noooooooo way we were ever just going to meet by chance. The chances that we were going to meet on some website are probably slim and none. The pure chance that she came across M's blog out of ALL the other Polygamy blogs....Divine grace by the man above.

To close this looooooooooong session. How is she the one? She makes us smile, she makes us happy, she loves all the same things we do, she cherishes the things we do, she has dreams, she has goals, she knows this lifestyle is for her and there is just so much more to learn....I say her name and I smile as much as I do when I see my lovely first wife. With all this stated, I am not going to fast track anything. We all have to get to know each much better, we all have to know 100% that we are on the same page. I have been married for 21 years and do not plan on having my first divorce because WE failed in making sure SHE IS THE ONE!!!!

Much love to all my friends and followers! Till the next edition.......

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my favorite posts! I know its just the beginning stages, but I agree "she" is very special. I can't wait to get to know her better, I feel like she knows us already. Perhaps because she read our blogs, but I'm so glad we've met her. When you first saw her picture and read her letter, I remember the cutest smile on your face and how you said, Let's write her. I love the smile you have on your face when your texting with her, the twinkle in your eye. It reminds me of how we began and it truly warms my heart. Yes, I know its early and I really wish we lived closer, but I look forward to the future and finding out what God has in store. I'm just going to trust in him and in our love that I believe is large enough to be shared. As my new favorite quote goes, "Love should be multiplied, not divided" Kody Brown on sisterwives.
